Speak Russian or be silent. Nationalist lawmakers want to ban foreign languages at the workplace — a rule that would leave some foreigners speechless.

Two deputies from flamboyant ultranationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s party introduced a bill on Dec. 12 last year that would bar Russians and foreigners from speaking foreign languages on the job during working hours, state-run RIA news agency reported.

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Since July last year the Taipei City Government’s Department of Health has received reports from the public for 86 Web sites selling 119 electronic cigarettes or digital vapor devices illegally on the Internet. Many people use the devices as smoking cessation tools, while the department says that none of the products on the market have been approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, adding that the products typically contain nicotine and can cause addiction or even cancer if used for an extended period.

Shen Mei-li, deputy director of the department’s food and drug division, says that the ministry added e-cigarettes and digital vapor devices containing nicotine to the list of pharmaceutical products under its jurisdiction in March 2009. None of the products have been approved yet.

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Alexander Gorbunov, a 38-year-old, single man from Hollywood, Florida is looking for a wife. He decided to take a less traditional approach to finding his true love, however, and placed handwritten signs on the back of his two cars, a BMW and a Hummer, hoping to attract Ms Right. The signs read: “Looking for a Wife,” and include his phone number.

The attention that the flashy cars draw and the bright eye-catching signs have Alex fielding 15 to 20 calls a day, along with text messages and photos. Because images of the sign have been posted on Facebook, the Casanova who moved to the US four years ago from Russia, is contacted by people all over the country and the world with messages from California, Michigan, France, China, and Brazil.

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「不,謝了,我不跳舞。」諾琳的身體拒絕了另一枚腎臟(譯註:在本漫畫中, to reject 是「拒絕」和「器官移植發生排斥現象」一語雙關。)

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「薄荷糖?呃,好吧,我想這應該『很美味』…雖然我不知道『可愛』是什麼,瑪西。」約克(譯註:漫畫中那個正要丟美式足球的女孩和查理布朗手上拿的薄荷糖都叫做 Peppermint Patty,不過這裡是要影射 Peppermint Patty 這個女孩算不上「可愛」,因為她在《Peanuts》漫畫中是個個性強悍的男人婆。)

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「…那非常正常。我們都擔心變老。」「我再重複一次:變老讓我石化。」(譯註:本漫畫中正在接受治療的是鼻子會因為說謊而變長的 Pinocchio 小木偶,而動詞

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當航空公司遺失了你的行李。當旅館洗衣員燙壞了你喜愛的衣服。當計程車司機向你索取過多的費用。當你出國時有時候你會碰到不如意的事情。 現在你可以做一些改變了!使用這些秘訣當你想要用英文適當的表達你的不滿。

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這種所有格亦可用 of 結構來表示,因此時間名詞為複數時的所有格符號 (‘) 或時間名詞為單數時的 ‘s,可用 of 來代替,如 5 days’ leave = 5 days of leave (五天的休假);a year’s wait = a year of wait (一年的等待)。當時間名詞的後面沒有所屬的名詞時,該時間名詞無論單複數都不可加上所有格符號。例如:

  • Shirley has worked for that big company for more than one year’. (雪莉已為那家大公司工作了超過一年) (誤)
  • I’ve been waiting here for two hours’. (我已在這裡等了兩個鐘頭) (誤) - 這句若用 of 結構來代替就變成 I’ve been waiting here for two hours of.,顯然錯得離譜。

除了時間名詞外,距離、長度、價值、重量等名詞亦可使用這種以 apostrophe 來表示的所有格結構,如 two hours’ walk/flight/drive (兩小時的步行或路程/飛行/車程),a cable’s length (電纜的長度),a dollar’s worth (of apples) (價值一元的蘋果),two tons’ weight (兩噸重)。

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當時間名詞為單數時,所有格符號 (apostrophe) (‘) 係加在 s 的前面,即 ‘s,如 one day’s wage (一天的工資),the week’s proceeds (本週的收入),today’s young people (今日的年輕人),this evening’s storm (今晚的暴風雨)。若時間名詞為複數,則所有格符號加在 s 的後面,即 s’,如 two days’ wage (兩天的工資),3 years’ salary (三年的薪水)。


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英文:snit (n.)

說明:通常以片語 in a snit 的型態出現。

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(副詞) 不合理地生氣;因一點小事而生氣。

  • Jocelyn’s in a snit because I used her coffee cup. (賈思琳因我用了她的咖啡杯而生氣)


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註:這成語源於一則有關兩個小孩冒冒失失地進入樹林,沒有意識到潛在危險的故事。就「(小) 樹林」的意思而言,wood 和 woods 同義。

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A little more than 73 years after enrolling at The Ohio State University, Ted Chandler received his Bachelor of Science degree Jan. 23 from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES).


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Doing at least two and a half hours of vigorous exercise each week cuts the chance of developing flu, new data suggests.


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