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Clean 和 cleanse 這兩個動詞都是在表示去除灰塵、污垢,使清潔的意思。但 clean 通常表示字面的意思,即「把…弄乾淨,使清潔;打掃,清理」,如 Robert’s cleaning his car. (羅伯特正在洗車);Paul’s shoes need cleaning. (保羅的鞋該刷一刷了)。The students have cleaned the classroom from top to bottom. (學生把教室徹底打掃了一遍)。至於 cleanse,則大多用來表示「使…免除罪惡,淨化」等比喻的意思,如 you might cleanse your soul by confessing your sins. (你可以藉由懺悔你的罪來淨化心靈)。

Cleanse 還有兩個意思是 clean 所沒有的,其中一個意思是「清洗 (傷口);使 (皮膚) 清潔」,如 The nurse used a piece of gauze to cleanse the cut. (護士用一塊棉紗清洗傷口);Amy cleanses, tones, and moisturizes her face every day. (艾美每天都做臉部的潔膚、緊膚和潤膚)。另一意思是「(種族) 淨化」,其對應的名詞為 ethnic cleansing;有人將種族淨化視為屠殺的委婉說法。

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英文:neat freak (n.)

說明:亦可用 clean freak 來表示。「有潔癖的人」在中國大陸叫做「整潔控」。潔癖的英文為 mysophobia。

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  • Feb 22 Sat 2014 10:15
  • IME

(頭字語) 根據我的經驗。這個頭字語 (acronym) 為 in my experience 的簡寫。

  • IME Amy’s love never lasts very long. (根據我的經驗,艾美的戀情從未維持很久)


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  • Turn your frown upside down! Everything will be OK. (別哭喪著臉!一切都不會有問題的)
  • What can turn your frown upside down? (什麼事才能讓你不再眉頭深鎖呢?)


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walk * through
(耐心地、詳細地) (向某人) 說明 (某事);(耐心地、詳細地) 教 (某人) (某事)

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Cache 是個可數名詞,意為「(武器、糧食、貴重物品等的) 窩藏處;隱藏處;貯藏所」或「窩藏品;隱藏物;窩藏的武器;隱藏的貴重物品等」,如 The police found a cache of handguns and shotguns in a garage in Kaohsiung. (警方在高雄發現一個藏有許多手槍和散彈槍的車庫)。此外,cache 在電腦和網路應用中是個相當常用的名詞,佔有舉足輕重的地位,意為「快取」,即快速取得之意,指的是將網頁、圖片及其他資料暫存起來以便快速取得。

Cache 亦可當動詞用,意為「窩藏;隱藏;貯藏」,如 My mother used to cache her jewels in the basement. (我母親過去經常把她的珠寶首飾藏在地下室)。

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英文:Eyelid twitches.

說明:twitch 可當 (及物或不及物) 動詞和 (可數) 名詞用,意為 (身體某個部分) 抽動,抽搐。

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(名詞) 雙下巴 (double chin) 很嚴重的人。

  • Julian and Sandy are all bum chins. (朱立安和桑迪都有嚴重的雙下巴)


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A female Przewalski's horse and her mother walk together in Taipei Zoo, yesterday. The Przewalski's horse, named Yung Chun (勇春), was born in Oct. 19 this year and was placed in an outdoor activity area for the first time yesterday while her mother followed her in order to protect her baby from any potential harm. According to the zoo, the Przewalski's horse is listed as a threatened species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, so the birth of Yung Chun means great progress to the restoration to the species. (CNA)

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Helicopters carrying the South African flag fly over a 9-meter bronze statue of former South African president Nelson Mandela which was unveiled on the lawn of the Union Buildings, the seat of government in Pretoria, South Africa on Monday, Dec. 16. Mandela was inaugurated as South Africa's first black president in Pretoria in 1994. On a public holiday dedicated to reconciliation, South Africans on Monday started coming to terms with the loss of Nelson Mandela, a day after he was buried at the end of a life-long struggle for freedom and equality. (AFP)

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Madison Stewart, left, of Austin, Texas, with her mother Darla Pate, of Mason, Texas, stand covered in snow as they visit Times Square in New York on Saturday, Dec. 14. Manhattan is experiencing heavy snow with reports saying the weather will continue to cover the city with snow throughout the night. (AP)

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Thousands of pilgrims arrive at the Basilica de Guadalupe in Mexico City on Wednesday, Dec. 11, before the birthday of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Mexicans celebrate the anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego in 1531. (AFP)

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South Africa's President Jacob Zuma, followed by Nelson Mandela's widow Graca Machel, bids farewell to South African former President Nelson Mandela lying in state at the Union Buildings in Pretoria, South Africa on Wednesday, Dec. 11. Nelson Mandela's flag-draped casket made a solemn journey through the streets of Pretoria Wednesday, arriving at the seat of South Africa's government, where he will lie in state for three days. (AFP)

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An overhead shot from the documentary "Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above," shows a heavily polluted Hou-chin River (後勁溪). The Golden Horse Award-winning documentary by local director Chi Po-lin (齊柏林) has shown numerous sites of severe pollution in Taiwan, sparking protests and intense public discussions about pollution and environmental deterioration on the island. (CNA)

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Brayden Gillen, 5, says hello to Santa Claus as he makes an appearance in the main tank of the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa on Sunday, Dec. 8. (AP)

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Niko Reynoso, 3, is pulled down Fremont Street during the Great Santa Run in downtown Las Vegas on Saturday, Dec. 7. Over 11,000 people participated in the 5-kilomter run and 1-mile walk. (AP)

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U.S. first lady Michelle Obama, right, pulls on her dog Sunny as two-year-old Ashtyn Gardner takes a tumble during the White House Christmas decorations viewing at the White House in Washington, D.C., Wednesday, Dec. 4. (AFP)

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Young protesters with faces painted in the colors of the Ukrainian and EU flags kiss each other at a tent camp on Independence Square in Kiev early on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Ukraine's opposition called on Dec. 3 for sustained pressure from the street after days of protests that have plunged the country into its biggest crisis in nearly a decade. (AFP)

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確保自我有良好的工作組織,你需要"neat and tidy desk"(整潔的桌子)。東西到處亂放,只顯得更混亂,有一天,很有可能檔案放在哪裡,自己都不知道。


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