Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano and Shuji Nakamura share the physics Nobel for the invention of efficient blue light–emitting diodes, which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources.


The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics to Professor Isamu Akasaki at Meijo University, Japan; Professor Hiroshi Amano at Nagoya University, Japan; and Professor Shuji Nakamura at University of California, Santa Barbara, for the invention of efficient blue light–emitting diodes which has enabled bright and energy-saving white light sources.


Red and green LEDs have been around for many years, but the blue was really missing. If you combine three colors : red, green and blue, you can get white light. This is something that Isaac Newton showed already in 1671. Thanks to the blue LED, we can now get white light sources which have very high energy efficiency and very long lifetime. This LED technology is now replacing older technologies.

紅色和綠色發光二極體已出現多年,但一 直缺少藍色發光二極體。如果你結合3種顏色的光源:紅光、綠光和藍光,就能獲得白光。這是艾薩克.牛頓早在1671 年就提出的理論。感謝藍色發光二極體,現在我們可以獲得高度節能且使用壽命極長的白色光源。這項新的發光二極體技術正在取代舊科技。

In fact, many of us carry this technology in our pocket. The flashlight and also the screen of modern smartphones uses LED technology.



LED:Light Emitting Diode的縮寫,發光二極體。例句:Most digital watches use LED display.(大多數的電子表使用發光二極體顯示螢幕。)

invention:名詞,發明。例句:The light bulb was one of the most important inventions of the 19th century.(燈泡是19世紀最重要的發明之一。)




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