


Cassie De Pecol, an intrepid traveler from Washington, Connecticut, USA, hopes to become the fastest female to travel to all 196 countries - and she’s just 27-years-old. She is nearing the end of her epic mission to visit most nations including Taiwan.



On her 25th birthday in July of 2015, Cassie started to plan for the trip of a lifetime, and so far she has ticked off 193 countries.



Cassie said: "Since school, I’ve been intrigued to learn more about every culture and religion. In America we are lucky to have such a vast melting pot of cultures.”



"I wanted to learn about where these people came from, more specifically, where I came from. I wondered what existed outside of North America and what it was like. Is the Middle East really like how they say it is on the news? What about the Amazon?”



After 15 months on the road, Cassie has had both highs and lows. "I just hope that I’m able to inspire young women (and men!) around the world to go after goals that so far, people think can only be done by man," she said.




intrepid:形容詞,勇敢的;無畏的。例句:He is an intrepid mountaineer, who has successfully challenged Mt. Everest. (他是一個大無畏的登山家,曾經成功挑戰珠穆朗瑪峰。)


tick off:動詞片語,做記號。例句:People whose names are ticked off should stay after the class dismissal. (名字被做記號的人,下課後必須留下來。)


intrigue:動詞,激起…好奇心或興趣。例句:The cover of the book intrigued me into reading it. (這本書的封面引起我閱讀的興趣。)


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