More than half of Britons want Prince William to be the next King of England instead of Prince Charles. According to a recent poll, 54 per cent want the accession to skip a generation when the Queen passes away, with Prince William taking the throne in place of his father.
In contrast, just 25% think it should be Charles. Even more women favour the 34-year-old to become the next monarch, with 60 per cent of women backing William, compared with 47 per cent of men.
The poll also found that two-thirds (66 per cent) believe the monarchy benefits the UK economy. Some 55% said they feel proud of the monarchy and 66% supported retaining it instead of becoming a republic.
Polls in Commonwealth Realms tell a similar story. In Canada, a recent poll found 40% of Canadians found Charles "boring" and 32% thought he was "unimportant". In contrast, 67% found The Queen "respected" and 47% agreed William was also "respected".
accession:名詞,就任,繼承。例句:This event occurred just at the accession of Henry the First.(這個事件正好發生在亨利一世繼位的時候。)
monarchy:名詞,君主制,君主政體。例句:The power of the monarchy in Britain today is more symbolical than real.(英國今日的君主制象徵意義大於實質。)
throne:名詞,王位,王權,教皇位。例句:The prince laid claim to the throne. (王子宣稱有權繼承王位。)