目前分類:new (340)
- Dec 14 Wed 2016 14:12
中英對照讀新聞─Knitters spreading kindness by giving scarves to strangers 為陌生人織圍巾,散布溫暖
- Dec 09 Fri 2016 14:09
《中英對照讀新聞》Children spend only half as much time playing outside as their parents did 孩童在外玩樂時間 僅父母年幼時一半
Children today spend half the time their parents did playing outside, a survey suggests.
- Dec 08 Thu 2016 14:08
【中英對照讀新聞】 Atlanta hunter mistakes brother for animal, fatally shoots him 亞特蘭大獵人把兄弟錯認成動物 把他擊斃
- Dec 07 Wed 2016 14:07
中英對照讀新聞》US film director encourages N. Korean students to follow their dreams/美國電影導演鼓勵北韓學子追夢
- Dec 06 Tue 2016 14:07
《中英對照讀新聞》Finnish Baby Boxes: Scandinavian Tradition To Be Trialled In UK Hospital 芬蘭「嬰兒箱」:英國醫院試行斯堪地那維亞傳統
- Dec 05 Mon 2016 14:06
《中英對照讀新聞》Playboys and sexist men are more prone to mental health problems 花花公子和性別歧視男性易有心理健康問題
Men who behave like promiscuous playboys or feel powerful over women are more likely to have mental health problems than men with less sexist attitudes. An analysis found links between sexist behavior and mental health issues such as depression and substance use, said a study in the Journal of Counseling Psychology.
- Dec 02 Fri 2016 14:05
《中英對照讀新聞》Hope, the South African white rhino that survived attack dies of infection 從攻擊中存活下來的南非白犀牛「希望」死於感染
- Dec 01 Thu 2016 14:03
《中英對照讀新聞》Japanese fisherman aged 63 fights off bear with karate 63歲日本釣客使出空手道擊退黑熊
- Oct 31 Mon 2016 14:29
《中英對照讀新聞》Wooden sculpture of London goes up in flames to mark Great Fire anniversary 倫敦木雕毀於一燼 以誌「大火」週年
Flames once again licked the historic buildings of Britain’s capital as a wooden replica of 17th century London went up in smoke to mark the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London.
- Oct 28 Fri 2016 14:25
《中英對照讀新聞》Russian blogger jailed for playing "Pokemon Go" files appeal 因玩「寶可夢Go」而被監禁的俄羅斯部落客提出上訴
A Russian blogger who has been sent to pre-trial detention for playing "Pokemon Go" in a church has appealed against his arrest.
- Oct 27 Thu 2016 14:24
《中英對照讀新聞》Four fifths of China’s water from wells were polluted 中國5分之4地下水遭污染
- Oct 26 Wed 2016 14:23
《中英對照讀新聞》Tipsy’ German Partygoers Mistake Real Cops for Strippers 德國微醺跑趴族誤將真警察當成脫衣舞男
- Oct 25 Tue 2016 14:22
中英對照讀新聞》The Power "Bomb" That’s Giving a South Korean Mother Nightmares 令南韓媽媽做惡夢的電費「炸彈」
31-year-old Park Hana says she dreads receiving "poktan" utility receipts at her 83-square-meter home in Gyeonggi province, as the air conditioner roars to shield her toddler from one of the worst heat waves in the North Asian nation.
- Oct 24 Mon 2016 14:21
《中英對照讀新聞》 1 Long Neck, 4 Species 一樣的長脖子,卻是不同的4個物種
- Oct 21 Fri 2016 14:20
《中英對照讀新聞》Taking long afternoon naps may increase risk of diabetes, study shows. 研究顯示,長時間午睡可能增加糖尿病罹患風險
Napping for more than an hour in the daytime may raise the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 45 per cent, a new study shows. Researchers at the University of Tokyo used data from 21 studies involving more than 300,000 people who had recorded their daily level of napping.
- Oct 20 Thu 2016 14:16
《中英對照讀新聞》U.S. embassy accidentally sends settlement wine as Jewish new year gift 美國大使館意外送出屯墾區的酒當猶太新年禮
- Oct 19 Wed 2016 14:11
《中英對照讀新聞》S. Koreans are pessimistic about upward mobility 南韓民眾對社會階層向上流動感悲觀
- Oct 18 Tue 2016 14:10
《中英對照讀新聞》Discovery highlights a wealth of previously unknown biodiversity 新發現昭示前所未知的豐富生物多樣性寶藏
- Oct 17 Mon 2016 14:09
《中英對照讀新聞》Big-headed babies are more intelligent, study finds. 研究發現,大頭寶寶更聰明
- Oct 14 Fri 2016 14:07
《中英對照讀新聞》Where the commute is a plane ride 搭飛機通勤的國度