未來進行式 vs. 未來完成進行式
若句中沒有 for ten minutes, for two weeks, since Thursday 等時間副詞片語,許多英語人士在說話時都會選擇使用未來進行式,而不使用未來完成進行式。然而,由於這會改變句子的意思,因此使用時必須謹慎小心,以免造成意思上的誤解。未來進行式強調該動作發生在未來簡單式的動作或未來某個時間點之前,而在未來簡單式的動作發生時,該動作可能就結束了,亦可能仍在進行中。而未來完成進行式則強調該動作持續到未來簡單式的動作發生時的時間。試研究下面的例句以瞭解它們之間的差異。
- He will be tired because he will be exercising so hard. (他將會累,因為屆時他將正在激烈地運動) - 這句強調他之所以累,是因為他在未來的那個時候正在運動。
- He will be tired because he will have been exercising so hard. (他將會累,因為他將一直激烈地運動) - 這句強調他之所以累,是因為他已運動一段時間。未來完成進行式的動作在未來簡單式的動作或狀態發生時可能還在持續中,但也可能已告結束。
與其他未來式時態一樣,在 when, while, before, after, by the time, as soon as, if 和 unless 等所引導的時間副詞子句中,不可使用未來完成進行式;反之,須使用現在完成進行式來取代未來完成進行式。
- Jimmy won't get a promotion until he has been working here as long as Tony. (吉米在這裡工作得跟東尼一樣久之前將不會獲得晉升) (正)
- Jimmy won't get a promotion until he will have been working here as long as Tony. (誤)
- Ted will have been having his driver's license for over two years. (泰德將已持有駕照超過兩年了) (誤)
- Ted will have had his driver's license for over two years. (正)
always, usually, only, never, ever, still, just 等副詞通常位在 will 和 BE 動詞的後面。
- You will only have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives. (當她的飛機抵達時,你將只等候了幾分鐘)
- Will you only have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives? (當她的飛機抵達時,你將只等候了幾分鐘嗎?)
- You are only going to have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives. (當她的飛機抵達時,你將只等候了幾分鐘)
- Are you only going to have been waiting for a few minutes when her plane arrives? (當她的飛機抵達時,你將只等候了幾分鐘嗎?)
- The famous artist will have been painting the mural for over one year by the time it is finished. (到了這幅壁畫被完成時,這位名畫家將已畫了超過一年) - 主動態
- The mural will have been being painted by the famous artist for over one year by the time it is finished. (到了這幅壁畫被完成時,這幅畫將已被這位名畫家畫了超過一年) - 被動態
- The famous artist is going to have been painting the mural for over one year by the time it is finished. - 主動態
- The mural is going to have been being painted by the famous artist for over one year by the time it is finished. - 被動態