Over one in eight adults are now obese - a ratio that has more than doubled since 1975 and will swell to one in five by 2025, a major survey reported.
Of about five billion adults alive in 2014, 641 million were obese, the data showed - and projected the number will balloon past 1.1 billion in just nine years.
The research warned of a looming crisis of "severe obesity" and disease brought on by high-fat, high-sugar diets causing blood pressure and cholesterol to rise.
In 2014, the world’s fattest people lived in the island nations of Polynesia and Micronesia, where 38 percent of men and more than half of women were obese, said the study.
Nearly a fifth of the world’s obese adults (118 million) lived in six high-income countries - the United States, Britain, Ireland, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
The US was home to one in four severely obese men and almost one in five severely obese women in the world.
obese:形容詞,肥胖的;過重的。例句:Two-thirds of American adults are obese, and excess fat can narrow the airway. (3分之2的美國成年人過胖,而過多的脂肪會使氣道變得狹窄。)
balloon:動詞,激增;快速成長。例句:The protest has ballooned to see thousands of people stand out, which forces the government to give responses to people’s appeal. (這項抗議活動已吸引數千人站出來,迫使政府不得不回應人們的訴求。)
looming crisis:慣用語,(某件事)迫在眉睫,情況危急,意指麻煩的事情即將發生,讓人為此焦急擔心不已。