Hundreds of cows and bulls walked the ramp in a north Indian town Saturday in a bovine beauty pageant aimed at promoting domestic cattle breeds and raising awareness about animal health.
As farmers led their animals, the panel of experts judged the beasts for their size and overall looks, the length of their horns and, for the cows, their milk-yielding capacities.
飼主牽上他們的寶貝牛,專家評審團就牛兒的體型、外貌、公牛角的長度、母牛的產奶能力等給分 。
The judges selected 18 winners in various categories, choosing the healthiest and best-looking cows and bulls from more than 630 animals in the contest, held in the farming town of Rohtak in Haryana state.
On the ramp, the bovines displayed their individuality. Some sashayed with casual grace, while others dug in their heels and had to be pulled and prodded by their owners to walk for the judges.
The winners, representing three different breeds, carried home prizes and a winner’s sash.
In recent years, India has emerged as one of the world’s largest producers of milk, although yields from Indian cows are low compared to those in Europe or America. The government is trying to improve milk yields of domestic cows by offering better veterinary support and counseling to cattle farmers.
pageant:名詞,選美活動、戶外慶典。例句:Contestants in a beauty pageant raised thousands of dollars for charity.(選美活動的參賽者募得數千美元善款。)
aim at:動詞、名詞,意在…,目的是…。例句:Seven female cyclists aim to break Mark Beaumont’s record.(7名女性騎士企圖打破馬克.博蒙特的紀錄。)
emerge as:動詞,成為…的狀態。例句:London’s new mayor Sadiq Khan emerges as a political star.(倫敦新市長薩迪.可汗成為政壇明星。)
宏浩翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=990289&day=2016-05-16