◎ 孫宇青
More than 80% of China’s underground water drawn from relatively shallow wells used by farms, factories and mostly rural households is unsafe for drinking because of pollution, a report says.
The report said that of those samples, 32.9% were classed as suitable only for industrial and agricultural use, while 47.3% were unfit for human consumption. None were considered pristine, although water in wells in the Beijing area was rated better overall than elsewhere in the northeast.
Following the report’s release, officials sought to reassure the public that most household water used by urban Chinese households is safe because it comes from reservoirs, deep aquifers or rivers that are treated to ensure safety.
Most public attention in recent years has focused on heavy air pollution in Chinese cities, although water and soil contamination are also regarded as serious by environmentalists.
pristine:形容詞,純樸的;未經污染的。例句:People love to visit this mountainous area because of its pristine environment.(人們樂於造訪這座山區,因為當地環境未被污染。)
reservoir:名詞,水庫;貯水池。例句:Shihmen reservoir supplies water to Taoyuan, parts of New Taipei City and parts of Hsinchu.(石門水庫供應桃園市,以及新北和新竹部分地區的用水。)
contamination:名詞,污染。例句:The serious problem of soil contamination causes farmers to give up planting.(嚴重的土壤污染問題導致農夫放棄耕作。)
宏浩翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=1032309&day=2016-09-15