Cheaters come from all walks of life, but a new survey suggests people who work in certain professions may be more likely to have an extramarital affair than others. The poll of 5,658 cheating women was conducted by Victoria Milan. It’s a dating website for married and attached people.
各行各業都有偷吃的人,但一項新調查指出,從事特定職業的人,也許更有可能與他人發生婚外情。這項包含5658名偷腥女性的調查,是由Victoria Milan進行。這是一個為已婚和有伴人士所設的約會網站。
Twenty one per cent of women surveyed work in finance, while flight attendants come in second at 19%. Healthcare professionals follow, at 15%, while business workers come in fourth place, at 12%. The survey suggests that having an affair with a colleague makes work exciting and fun.
The poll also revealed that two out of three unfaithful women(65%)say they cheat at work. But 85% said that they don’t recommend sleeping with a colleague. According to nearly 70% of the women polled, there’s the potential for it to end badly - and you still have to work with that person.
More than one in five (21%) said that if rumours in the office start, there is a more likely chance that your partner will find out. But only 10% were concerned for their careers, fearing that mixing work and pleasure could hamper their job performance.
extramarital :形容詞,外遇的,通姦的。例句:We should discourage extramarital affairs.(我們應該勸阻婚外情。)
unfaithful:形容詞, 不忠的,不貞的。例句:Her husband is unfaithful to her.(她的丈夫對她不忠。)
hamper:動詞,阻礙,妨礙,牽制。例句:Our progress was hampered by the bad weather.(我們的進展受到壞天氣的阻礙。)