Tackling climate change is the "biggest economic opportunity" in the history of the US no matter who holds political office, the Hollywood star and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio said.
"There are a few very prominent people that still deny the overwhelming conclusions of the world’s scientists that climate change is largely human-caused and needs immediate urgent attention," he told a United Nations awards ceremony.
But "the truth" about climate change has spread like "wildfire", he said.
DiCaprio’s comments did not refer to the US president-elect, Donald Trump, by name but were a thinly-veiled reference to his views and nominations of climate change sceptics with oil industry ties for cabinet posts.
DiCaprio met Trump and his team in the early December, reportedly arguing that support for renewable energy could create millions of jobs.
"In less than 100 years of our pollution-based prosperity, we humans have put our entire existence in jeopardy," said DiCaprio, who released his own documentary, Before the Flood, on the impacts of global warming two months ago.
prominent:形容詞,卓越的。例句:As the assistant to the mayor, he has every opportunity to meet prominent people.(身為市長助理,他有很多機會與名人會晤。)
thinly-veiled:形容詞,不加掩飾的。例句:The spokesperson replied the reporter’s question with a thinly-veiled warning.(發言人以不加掩飾的警告語氣回覆記者提問。)
jeopardy:名詞,危險。例句:My family’s lives were in jeopardy during this typhoon.(颱風來襲期間,我家人的生命陷入險境。)