Browning meat in the oven, grill or frying pan produces chemicals which may increase the risk of developing dementia, US researchers suggest.
Advanced glycation end(AGE)products have been linked to diseases such as type-2 diabetes. Mice fed a high-AGEs diet had a build-up of dangerous proteins in the brain and impaired cognitive function. Experts said the results were "compelling" but did not provide "definitive answers".
AGEs are formed when proteins or fats react with sugar. This can happen naturally and during the cooking process.
Researchers at the Icahn school of medicine at Mount Sinai, in New York, tested the effect of AGEs on mice and people.
The animal experiments, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, showed that a diet rich in AGEs affects the chemistry of the brain.
brown:動詞,(用油略煎、略烤等)使食物變棕色。例句:Lightly brown the onion before adding the tomatoes.(稍稍煎一下洋蔥,再放進番茄。)
build-up:名詞,增加。例句:The build-up of troops in the region makes war seem more likely.(這個區域增兵讓戰爭看起來更有可能。)
impair:動詞,損傷。例句:A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament.(膝傷不斷出現可能影響他贏得此賽事的機會。)