780 million people around the world lack access to clean drinking water and 3.4 million people die every year from diseases related to contaminated water. Theresa Dankovich, a chemist who did her PhD at McGill University and is now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Virginia, is hoping her new invention can help.
Dankovich has designed a simple paper that’s coated with disease-killing silver nanoparticles that works like a technologically advanced coffee filter. Pour contaminated water through the paper and it kills 99.99 percent of the bacteria, which results in drinking water that’s as clean as US tap water.
Dankovich has partnered with WATERisLIFE, an international non-profit, to get the filter papers into the hands of people who need them. They’ve come up with an ingenious idea: the Drinkable Book, which provides enough filter paper for a year’s worth of clean drinking water.
Stacks of Danvovich’s paper are bound into a single volume and placed in a 3-D printed box that doubles as a filter container. The whole thing couldn’t be easier. Tear a sheet out of the book, slide it into the container, pour contaminated water, and presto: you’ve got clean drinking water in the amount of time it takes to fill up a Brita.
come up with:提出、想出。例句:He could always come up with a reason to linger another month.(他總是能想出再拖延1個月的理由。)
ingenious:巧妙的、足智多謀的。例句:The chiefs were ingenious at finding reasons not to move.(這些首長善於尋找按兵不動的理由。)
presto:突然的、立即的。例句:I put my hand into the hat and presto! Out comes a rabbit!(我將手放進帽子,瞬間跑出一隻兔子!)
宏浩翻譯 引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=845294&day=2015-01-07