HG Wells:The Father of Science Fiction
HG Wells was a writer known as the father of science fiction. He was born Herbert George Wells in Bromley, England, in 1866. He grew up in a fairly ordinary English household with two brothers. Wells was in poor health as a child, and he nearly died when he was seven. As he recovered in bed, Wells discovered a love for reading. He wanted to be a writer more than anything else.
Wells did not begin his career as a writer, however. His family had run out of money, and he had to work as an assistant to a goods vendor. He hated the job, and eventually he quit. He became a teacher instead, and then studied at the Normal School of Science. He published his first short story when he was at university. This story was about time travel, which would also be his first big success.
HG 威爾斯是一位被稱為科幻小說之父的作家。1866 年時,他出生於英國的布朗利鎮,並被取名為赫伯特•喬治•威爾斯。他和兩個兄弟在一個頗為平凡的英國家庭裡長大。威爾斯小時候身體不大好,七歲時差點死掉。當威爾斯在床上康復時,他發覺了對閱讀的熱愛。他一心只想要成為一位作家。