宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=947825&day=2016-01-10


Five frescoed stone slabs stolen from a tomb in the ancient city of Paestum and trafficked by a notorious artifact smuggler went on display in Italy on Thursday after a 10-year investigation.


Police were led to the pieces, all dating from around 400 BC, after an international trafficker known as "The Captain" died in a road accident, leaving thousands of photographs of archaeological finds in his car.


A police squad dedicated to tracking down art and artifacts dug up illegally from Italy’s numerous ancient sites traced the slabs to the Italian-Swiss border and brought them to Rome.


The frescoes show a noble lady and her slave girls, a triumphant warrior on horseback and a young armed man walking with a donkey. Each slab has a ragged crack across the middle, having been cut in half to make smuggling easier.



fresco:名詞,壁畫、壁畫技法。例句:The frescoes portrayed scenes of the local legend.(這個壁畫描繪了當地傳奇故事的場景。)當動詞時,指作壁畫。

traffic:動詞,非法買賣、交易。例:human trafficking.(人口販運)

track down:片語,追蹤到、搜索到。例句:I’ll track down Anne for you.(我會幫你找到安在哪裡。)

宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=947825&day=2016-01-10



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