宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=947573&day=2016-01-09
A 2-year-old cancer survivor with an amputated arm is getting a special gift:A kitten that also suffered an amputation.
Matt and Simone Tipton, of Orange County, had been searching for a kitten for their daughter Scarlette, who was born with a rare form of cancer. Scarlette’s left arm had to be amputated when she was 10 months old.
Doctors say she’s now cancer free.
Scarlette’s parents wanted to find a kitten that had undergone an amputation surgery to help in their daughter’s ongoing recovery. That’s when they heard about Holly, a kitten two women found bleeding from a traumatic injury in December.
The kitten’s left front leg was amputated.
The family drove to the San Jacinto animal shelter to adopt the cat named Holly on Christmas Eve. (AP)
adopt:動詞,指採用、接納、收養、批准。例句:The United Nations Security Council just adopted a resolution.(聯合國安全理事會剛通過一項決議案。)
ongoing:形容詞,指不間斷的、進行的。例句:The problem is ongoing.(這個問題還沒解決。)
traumatic:形容詞,指創傷的、治療外傷的;名詞,指外傷藥。例句:It was a traumatic experience for me.(那對我而言是個創傷經歷。)
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=947573&day=2016-01-09