宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=982164&day=2016-04-23
◎ 周虹汶
Diet Coke fans may soon feel more like they’re drinking "the real thing." Coca-Cola says it is giving cans and bottles of its flagship sodas a makeover, with plans to unify the appearance of regular Coke, Diet Coke, Coke Zero and Coke Life.
The world’s biggest beverage maker says cans and bottles will prominently feature a "red disc" reminiscent of regular Coke, in addition to the colors associated with each brand. Diet Coke cans are silver, Coke Zero cans are black and Coke Life features green.
The Atlanta company says the "One Brand" look will roll out in Mexico next month then spread to other countries. In its flagship North America market, however, Coke says it’s still testing its options and that no changes are planned for this year. (AP)
makeover:名詞,指打扮、裝飾、改頭換面、翻新。例句:The makeover has to start with education.(這項改造工作須由教育做起。)
reminiscent:形容詞,指懷舊的、回憶往事的、使人聯想的;名詞,指回憶錄作者。例句:His style is reminiscent of Monet’s.(他的風格有莫內的味道。)
roll out:片語動詞,指鋪開、起床、滔滔不絕地說出。例句:She rolled out the song.(她大展歌喉。)
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=982164&day=2016-04-23