宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=982994&day=2016-04-25
Barack Obama has urged an audience of young people to "reject pessimism and cynicism" at a town hall-style event in London.
In his speech in Westminster, the US President argued that cynics who suggest it is not possible to change the world should be ignored.
"My primary message is going to be to reject pessimism and cynicism, know that progress is possible and that problems can be solved," Mr Obama said.
"Progress is not inevitable and it requires struggle, perseverance and discipline, and faith.
"But that’s the story of how we won voting rights, and women’s rights, and worker’s rights, and civil rights, and immigration rights, and gay rights, because of those who came before us often risked their lives to give us the chance to know something better."
"We see new calls for isolationism or xenophobia," Obama said. "We see those who would call for rolling back the rights of people…"
"I think we can understand they are reactions to changing times. But, when I speak to young people, I implore them, and I implore you, to reject those calls to fall back."
perseverance:名詞,毅力、持之以恆。例句:"Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th."(毅力就是失敗19次,第20次成功。)
town hall-style event:名詞,市民大會,指當權者與市民平席而坐,民主的發源形式之一。例句:Republican presidential candidate John Kasich will hold a town hall-style event Tuesday in Noblesville.(共和黨總統參選人凱希克週二將在諾伯斯維爾與市民面對面。)
require:動詞,有賴…,要求。例句:San Francisco became the first U.S. city to require six weeks of paid leave for new parents.(舊金山成為全美國第一個要求給予新手父母6週全薪產假的城市。)
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=982994&day=2016-04-25