By 2030, a quarter of all South Koreans will be over 65 years old, and the overall population is expected to peak at around 52 million the same year before entering a period of steady decline.
Nestled among mountains and known for its mushrooms and apples, Gunwi county boasted a population of more than 70,000 in the 1980s. That number now stands at 24,000 with nearly 40 percent over 65 years old - one of the highest ratios in South Korea.
Childbirth has become so rare that there isn’t a single obstetrician or maternity ward in the entire county, and more than 20 elementary, middle and high schools have closed since the 1990s. South Korea has a fertility rate of 1.19 births per woman - the lowest among OECD member nations.
Gunwi officials have done what they can to rejuvenate the county, offering free school lunches and cash incentives for couples having a third child. The central government has launched similar schemes across the country, pumping more than 80 trillion won since 2006 into programmes aimed at encouraging people to marry young and have larger families, according to health ministry data.
nestle:動詞,(使)舒適地安頓下來、依偎、位於。例句:She nestled her head against his shoulder.(她把頭靠在他肩上。)
maternity:形容詞,產(孕)婦的。例句:Women workers are entitled to maternity leave with full pay.(女性勞工產假期間可領全薪。)
rejuvenate:動詞,(使)變年輕、使恢復精神。例句:The coach has decided to rejuvenate the team by bring in a lot of new, young players.(教練決定大批引進年輕新血,讓球隊重拾活力。)