One in five mothers feels "namer’s remorse" and would pick another name for their child if they had the choice, according to a survey.
One mother explained that her child’s name was taken by a terrorist group, soon after she was born. Another pinpointed the moment she began to regret naming her daughter Elsa when Frozen became massively popular.
One fourth said the main reason for regretting was that the name was too commonly used. Over one in five mothers who regretted their choice said it "just doesn’t feel right". Some admitted they had never liked the name but had been pressured into using it.
At least 10% of mothers thought the name did not suit their child. Another 11% said it was not distinctive enough. A further 11% held the opinion that it caused their child problems with spelling or pronunciation.
Names most frequently regretted were Charlotte, Amelia, Anne, Daniel, Jacob, James and Thomas.
remorse:名詞,懊悔;自責。例句:The man did not show any sign of remorse for the crime he perpetrated. (這個男人對他所犯罪行毫無悔意。)
pinpoint:動詞,確認(位置、範圍、程度等)。例句:The clerk tried to pinpoint when the bandits broke in.(店員努力回想這些搶匪闖入的時間點。)
massively:副詞,大規模地;極度地。例句:I fell from stairs and my left ankle swelled massively. (我從樓梯上跌下來,左腳踝腫得很厲害。)