A spa in Japan lets you bathe in red wine, coffee, sake, green tea and ramen noodles. The Yunesson Spa Resort in Japan describes itself as a ’spa theme park’. Many of the different liquid hot tubs have different health benefits.
The spa allows people to bathe in red wine - the baths are supposed to have rejuvenating benefits. Bathing in red wine was a practice first adopted in ancient times, supposedly by the Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra.
There are other baths at the spa, which have different health benefits, including a green tea bath which helps with people’s skin and immune systems. Sake baths have the potential to remove freckles and age spots. Coffee beths’ benefits for the body are myriad. As for ramen noodle beths, people don’t seem quite so sure why they exist.
’It is quite unique and exciting to be swimming in pools of wine, sake, coffee, green tea,’ one person posted on TripAdvisor. ’Definitely a must visit for all tourists!’ someone else added.
rejuvenate:動詞,返老還童,恢復活力。例句:The mountain air will rejuvenate you.(山上的空氣將使你返老還童。)
freckle:名詞,雀斑,斑點。例句:His face is peppered with freckles.(他的臉上滿是雀斑。)
myriad:形容詞,無數的,極大量的。例句:There are myriad stars in the sky.(天空中有無數的星星。)