宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=971329&day=2016-03-23
The Philippines looks likely to remain one of the few countries where divorce is illegal, based on a survey of the four leading presidential candidates on Sunday.
Vice President Jejomar Binay, Senator Grace Poe, veteran mayor Rodrigo Duterte and former interior secretary Mar Roxas were asked during a presidential debate to raise their hands if they favoured legalisation of divorce.
Not one raised a hand in the brief segment. They were not given time to explain their stance.
The overwhelmingly Catholic Philippines is the only country aside from the Vatican that bans divorce.
Strong pressure from the Catholic church has stymied previous attempts to pass a divorce law even though a survey last year showed that about 60 percent of adult Filipinos support such a measure.
In another portion of the debate, the four candidates were asked who supported restoration of the death penalty.
Poe and Duterte, who openly boasts about killing criminals, both raised their hands despite the Catholic church’s opposition to capital punishment.
The death penalty was abolished in the Philippines in 2006, party due to lobbying by the church.
stymie:動詞,使陷入困境、攔阻。例句:That’s really stymied me.(那真令我進退兩難。)
capital:形容詞,可處死刑的,致死的,(口)極好的。例句:You are a capital fellow.(你是大好人。)
lobby:動詞,遊說、施壓。例句:The President said he would lobby the bill through.(總統說他將施壓使該法案通過。)
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=971329&day=2016-03-23