A Florida man was hospitalized after an alligator chomped off his hand and forearm as he sought to elude authorities by running into a lake, police said on Thursday.
Jessie Kingsinger, 21, was missing three-quarters of his left arm when he crawled out of the lake in a wooded area behind an apartment complex, said Sergeant Gary Gross, a spokesman for the Lakeland Police Department.
He apparently had run into the water as authorities searched for him on Wednesday evening, after his mother asked for help getting him to a medical facility for psychiatric evaluation.
"We expect it had just happened, seconds before he crawled out, otherwise he would have bled out immediately," Gross said in a telephone interview.
Kingsinger was hospitalized for treatment of his injuries, along with an unspecified psychiatric issue, he said. (Reuters)
bite off:片語動詞,指咬斷、截去、停止說話。例句:He always bites off more than he can chew.(他總是做超出能力所及的事。)
chomp:動詞,指使勁地嚼、咬響牙齒。例句:She chomped hungrily through the large steak.(她狼吞虎嚥地啃著那一大塊牛排。)
elude:動詞,指逃避、使迷惑、無法理解、抓不到。例句:Sleep eluded me.(我失眠了。)
宏浩翻譯引用自 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=991942&day=2016-05-21