Sometime in the wee hours Friday, a thief made off with $50 million of virtual currency.
The victims are investors in a strange fund called the DAO, or Decentralized Autonomous Organization, who poured more than $150 million of a bitcoin-style currency called Ether into the project.
The DAO is built on Ethereum, a system designed for building decentralized applications. Its creators hoped to prove you can build a more democratic financial institution, one without centralized control or human fallibility.
DAO developers and Ethereum enthusiasts are trying to figure out how they might reverse the theft. The good news is that time is on their side.
Stephan Tual, the COO of Slock.it, the company that built the DAO, says the thief probably never expected to be able to spend the ether. Each unit of ether is unique and traceable. If the hacker tries to sell any of the stolen ether in a cryptocurrency market, the system will flag it.
"It’s like stealing the Mona Lisa," he says. "Great, congratulations, but what do you do with it? You can’t sell it, it’s too big to be sold."
pour:動詞,注入,倒下。例句:Taiwan have poured money into the semi-conductor industry.(台灣過去在半導體工業上注資甚多。)
fallibility:名詞,疏失,失誤。例句:Moby spent a long time pursuing clarity and redemption but it’s his fallibility that resonates.(摩比花了很多時間澄清及贖罪,但他的疏失實在太明顯。)
wee:形容詞,很少的、很早的(形容時間)。例句:The theft took place in the wee hours of Sunday .(竊案在週日清晨發生。)