Scientists have published a description of a new species of butterflyfish from deep reefs of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
"They are colorful, beautiful, and have been very well-studied worldwide. Finding a new species of butterflyfish is a rare event," said Richard Pyle, lead author on the publication.
Deep coral reefs at depths of 150 to 500 feet, also known as mesophotic coral ecosystems or "the coral-reef twilight zone," are among the most poorly explored of all marine ecosystems.
Deeper than most scuba divers can venture, and shallower than most submersible-based exploration, these reefs represent a new frontier for coral reef research.
This species was first observed in video taken from manned submersibles more than 20 years ago, at depths as great as 600 feet.
biodiversity:名詞,生物多樣性。例句:Excessive gentrification destroys the biodiversity and ecosystem of a community.(過度仕紳化摧毀社群的生物多樣性與生態系。)
rare:形容詞,稀少、罕見的。例句:Betrayals rarely come from an enemy.(背叛通常不是來自敵方。)
venture:動詞,冒險。例句:Nothing ventured, nothing gained.(不入虎穴,焉得虎子。)