London is one of the most polluted cities in Europe. We cannot keep this under wraps if we are to address the problem.
The high pollution levels in the city are harmful to everyone – they’re associated with asthma, premature births, lung cancer and heart disease. For children though, the risk of exposure to air pollution is even higher. Studies also show that children absorb pollutants and retain them in the body for longer.
We simply need to combat this problem. By popularizing walking we can reduce congestion and pollution and keep people safe.
London mayor Sadiq Khan demonstrated his commitment to tackling air pollution in his "Manifesto for all Londoners". He’s going to pedestrianize Oxford Street and named cycling and walking safety as a priority.
For the mayor to address the huge public health issue of air pollution, he needs to put walking first throughout London. The promises of safe walking routes to school need to be linked to a target of getting more children walking to school.
under wraps:慣用片語,保密。例句:The plan will be kept under wraps until tomorrow. (這項計畫要到明天才能對外透露。)
asthma:名詞,氣喘。例句:Anyone who suffers asthma is not allowed to join the marathon. (氣喘患者不能參加馬拉松。)
pedestrianize:動詞,使…成為行人專用。例句:The historic street will be pedestrianized. (這條老街將被規劃為行人專用道。)