




Chickens don’t have a reputation for being the brightest group in the animal kingdom, but a new study has found we may have dramatically underestimated their brainpower. In fact, they have distinct personalities, and even exhibit Machiavellian tendencies.






The study found that chicken are capable of self-control and will wait longer for a greater food reward. The birds demonstrate thinking skills that are similar to mammals and primates. They also have a sense of numbers, with even newly hatched chicks able to discriminate between quantities, and do simple arithmetic.






Besides, chicken can experience complex emotions, including fear, anticipation, anxiety and empathy. When experiencing fear, chickens show similar responses to human and other animals, including an increased heart rate and body temperature.






"Chickens are behaviourally sophisticated, discriminating among individuals, exhibiting Machiavellian-like social interactions, and learning in complex ways that are similar to humans." the study author Lori Marino said.










Machiavellian:形容詞,權謀的,馬基維利的。例句:People with Machiavellian traits are always cold and rational.(具有權謀特質的人總是冷靜和理性。)




primate:名詞,靈長類,靈長目。例句:Primates are smart animals.(靈長類是聰明的動物。)


arithmetic:名詞,算數,計算。例句:He is good at arithmetic.(他擅長算數。)


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