Every citizen in France has automatically become an organ donor unless they decide to opt out, due to a significant change in the law.
The new rules, which came into effect on 1 January, sees France’s policy align with a number of European countries such as Spain and Austria, where "presumed consent" means anyone can become a donor of organs when they die unless they specifically choose not to.
In France, people will now need to sign up to a national register to ensure they do not become organ donors, which medical teams will check at the time of death before considering organ removal. A total of 150,000 people have already signed up to the register, according to the Guardian.
If it is not possible to sign up to the register, people can also sign and date a written refusal and leave it with a relative, or make an oral testimony to a relative who will then need to attest this wish to a medical team.
opt out:動詞片語,退出。例句:Introverted people tend to opt out of social activities.(內向者傾向不參加社交活動。)
align:動詞,使…結盟。例句:The government must align themselves with the workers.(政府必須站在勞工這邊。)
date:動詞,標註日期。例句:The boss never dates his notice.(老闆從不在通知上註明日期。)