(形容詞) 太棒了,棒極了。這個字是由 fantastic 和 fabulous 組合而成。

  • I had the most fantabulous date with Fiona! (我跟費歐娜的約會棒極了!)  


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該報告指出,美國的國外移民的人數最多,達到四千五百八十萬人,大部份的移民是在一九九○年到二○一三年期間來到美國 ── 人數有將近兩千三百萬人,等於每年增加一百萬名移民。俄羅斯的國外移民人數居次,有一千一百萬人,其後是德國的九百八十萬人,沙烏地阿拉伯有九百一十萬人,阿拉伯聯合大公國和英國各有七百八十萬人,法國有七百四十萬人,加拿大有七百卅萬人,澳洲和西班牙則各有六百五十萬人。


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The U.S. hosts the largest number, 45.8 million, and it gained the largest number of international migrants between 1990 and 2013 — nearly 23 million, equal to one million additional migrants per year, the report said. Russia was second with 11 million international migrants, followed by Germany with 9.8 million, Saudi Arabia with 9.1 million, United Arab Emirates and the UK with 7.8 million, France with 7.4 million, Canada with 7.3 million, and Australia and Spain with 6.5 million each, it said.

John Wilmoth, director of the Population Division, said "new sources and destinations of migrants are emerging, and in some cases, countries have become important points of origin, transit and destination simultaneously."

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More people than ever are living abroad: United Nations


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葛蘭姆在去年秋天時參觀了 BiblioTech 數位圖書館,且正在努力說服查爾斯頓都會區的領袖在今年推估債券的發行量,以資助類似的概念構想,其中甚至包括了讓人想起蘋果電腦商店的時髦美學。可是蘋果電腦商店通常不會在這樣的城鎮裡設點。BiblioTech 數位圖書館位在經濟環境低迷的聖安東尼奧市南區,並與貝爾郡政府大樓共享一個購物中心。在最近的一個下午,一對困惑的伴侶走進了 BiblioTech 數位圖書館,要去找當地的治安法官。

根據人口普查數據顯示,貝爾郡的郡治聖安東尼奧是美國第七大城,但識字率卻排名第六十。BiblioTech 數位圖書館企畫協調蘿拉柯爾表示,在二○○○年代初期,BiblioTech 數位圖書館周邊的低收入戶公寓與慈善二手商店的社區領袖曾抱怨,當地附近甚至連一家書店都沒有。她指出,十年之後,當地大多數的家庭依然沒有 Wi-Fi 無線上網。

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Graham toured BiblioTech last fall and is pushing Charleston leaders for a bond measure in 2014 to fund a similar concept, right down to the same hip aesthetic reminiscent of Apple. Usually, however, Apple stores aren't found in parts of town like this. BiblioTech is on San Antonio's economically depressed South Side and shares an old strip mall with a Bexar County government building. On a recent afternoon, one confused couple walked into the library looking for the justice of the peace.

San Antonio is the U.S.' seventh-largest city but ranks 60th in literacy, according to census figures. Back in the early 2000s, community leaders in BiblioTech's neighborhood of low-income apartments and thrift stores railed about not even having a nearby bookstore, said Laura Cole, BiblioTech's project coordinator. A decade later, Cole said, most families in the area still don't have Wi-Fi.

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美國德州看到了公共圖書館的未來,而那個景象看起來就像是蘋果電腦商店:一排排亮閃閃的 iMac 電腦向人招手,架設在橘色櫃檯上的 iPad 邀請讀者來使用,還有數百台準備就緒的平板電腦,等著隨時讓擁有借書證的讀者登記借閱。

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Texas library offers a glimpse of the future


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Many parents consider spanking as a softer and safer corporal punishment for their "undisciplined" and "unrepentant" children. But a 50-year-long study suggests angry parents should think twice before resorting to spanking because it can be detrimental to children’s mental health.

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「有三位醫生加入,但你的胃移除手術十分成功。現在我們來討論一下你的低電容吧。」(譯註:本漫畫的病人影射國外知名遊戲玩具 Operation,玩家必須用夾子拿出指定的器官或組織,同時避免碰觸到旁邊。這個遊戲玩具必須要有電池才能玩。而在英文中,breadbasket 是「胃」的俗稱,並且是本遊戲玩具必須移除的部位之一的名稱。)

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「嗨,賴瑞,來這裡一下,你覺得這是什麼東西?」「我們最好把這傢伙的軟木塞拔出來,看一下裡頭有什麼。」希哈紅酒 卡本內紅酒 卡本內紅酒

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「左腳,藍色。」「喂!小心點,傑瑞!」「就是說啊,傑瑞!你是怎樣?你是法國來的喔?」傑瑞向來不擅長轉舌(譯註:本漫畫的主角舌頭們正在玩一種叫做 Twister 的遊戲,玩家必須依照命令將手或腳放在指定的顏色圓點上,玩這個難免會有身體接觸的狀況,但舌頭碰觸卻意外形成了 French kiss 舌吻的狀況,而 tongue twister 繞口令則在此被當成「Twister 舌家」來解釋。)

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「廿四小時??怎麼會有人耗盡一生時間在做運動?」廿四小時健身房 為何蜉蝣不舉重(譯註:本漫畫影射蜉蝣的生命週期不滿一天,而 24 Hour Fitness 是目前全球會員人數最多的連鎖健身房。)

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「妳覺得媽咪會讓我們養小狗嗎?」「我不知道,她說她明天會決定。」哈欠(譯註:在本漫畫中,to sleep on 是「第二天再做決定」和「在…上睡覺」一語雙關。)

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A girl spits fire on a bus turnstile, put in the street in protest against an increase in bus fares in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Monday, Feb. 10. Anti-government protests erupted across Brazil last June, hitting their peak as 1 million Brazilians took to the streets in a single night, calling for better schools and health care and questioning the billions spent to host this year's World Cup and the 2016 Olympics. The protests have since diminished in size, but remain violent. (AP)

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A man holds a string of firecrackers and stands on a sedan chair in Taitung City (台東市), yesterday. Taitung City's Hsuan-wu Temple (玄武堂), one of the local temples that organizes the annual Bombing of Master Handan (炮炸寒單爺) event, yesterday promoted the event in the city center by throwing firecrackers at men to welcome the upcoming Lantern Festival on Feb. 14. (CNA)

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Competitors take part in a "Flugtag" event in Valparaiso, Chile on Saturday, Feb. 8. Flugtag — which means "flying day" — is a competition in which teams in fancy dress attempt to pilot human-powered, home-made flying machines off a six-meter-high platform into water. (AFP)

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