
When someone takes away your freedom to choose, they are giving you the courage to fight back.

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A good relationship will make you want to become a better person, so you can give each other even more love.

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You don't always have to shout to show courage; sometimes it means staying silent and steady.

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I can put up with everything in this world, but I can't stand living in a world without you.

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Dreams are mere illusions, but determination makes them real.

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Love doesn’t always mean happiness; never rush into a relationship just because you want to be happy. 

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The lonely ones wait for happiness; the lost ones look for happiness;  the happy ones cherish happiness.

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We're always in the dilemma of wanting to be understood, yet afraid of being seen through. 

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The key to any relationship is communication; without it, you are just two strangers.  

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The most helpless feeling of all is realizing you don't have what it takes to protect those you love.

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希望不要等人給你, 更不要讓人拿走 。  

Don’t wait for others to give you hope, or let them take it away. 

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Just because someone isn't suspicious doesn't mean they're trustworthy; some people just hide it better than others.

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Just because some things aren't meant to be, doesn't mean people won't do their best trying.  

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Hope is that voice telling you to hold on even when the whole world is telling you to give up.

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If your life has always been wonderful, you wouldn't be the strong person that you are now.

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Infinite possibilities spawn when two people meet, but understanding each other is the only way for them to truly fall in love.

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Life is at its best when you are deeply in love with someone, and looking forward to something.

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Two things are always worth fighting for: dreams, and love.

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