Using a smartphone or iPad to pacify a toddler may impede their ability to learn self-regulation, according to researchers.
In a commentary for the journal Pediatrics, researchers at Boston University School of Medicine reviewed available types of interactive media and raised “important questions regarding their use as educational tools”, according to a news release.
The researchers said that though the adverse effects of television and video on very small children was well understood, society’s understanding of the impact of mobile devices on the pre-school brain has been outpaced by how much children are already using them.
The researchers warned that using a tablet or smartphone to divert a child’s attention could be detrimental to “their social-emotional development”.
Use of interactive screen time below three years of age could also impair a child’s development of the skills needed for maths and science, they found.
Jenny Radesky, clinical instructor in developmental-behavioural pediatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, published her team’s findings. She urged parents to increase “direct human to human interaction” with their offspring.
pacify:動詞,安撫,和解,平息。例句:Government forces have pacified the riots.(政府軍弭平暴動。)
outpace:動詞,(速度、表現等)超越、勝過。例句:Global oil supply will outpace demand in 20 years.(20年內全球石油供應量將超過需求量。)
detrimental:形容詞,不利的、有害的。例句:Working night shifts can be detrimental to your health.(上夜班可能有害健康。)
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