宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=895398&day=2015-07-06
From the moment Jeff Costellia first joined a big firm after graduating from law school, he had one destination in mind:the corner office.
It wasn’t just the palatial space, the private conference table, the windows and light and the nice view. The corner office was a marker of achievement, a physical symbol of your status at the very top of a competitive hierarchy that you’d spent years working to climb.
"Having a corner office was huge. It meant you’d made it," Costellia said, looking around the bare walls of his corner office at the Washington law offices of Nixon Peabody, where he is a partner and heads the Intellectual Property group.
The firm is moving from its more traditional formal office to an airy and open one designed not for baby boomers like Costellia, 51, but with up-and-coming millennials in mind. And no one will have a corner office anymore.
"The physical spaces in most law firms tend to be built for prestige. This is really an opportunity to turn that on its head," said Jeffrey Lesk, 61, managing partner of the D.C. office overseeing the move.
corner office:俚語,意指高階主管的辦公室,通常位於角落、有窗景,因而稱為「角落」辦公室。
turn sth on its head:動詞片語,徹底改變某事。例句:The internet has turned the news industry on its head.(網路徹底改變了新聞業。)
up-and-coming:形容詞,進取的,有前途的。例如:up-and-coming young lawyers(年輕有前途的律師)。
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=895398&day=2015-07-06