宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=897943&day=2015-07-15
Anger boiled over Saturday at a massive commemoration of the Srebrenica slaughter 20 years ago as people pelted Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic with water bottles and other objects. Vucic, once an ultra-nationalist, came to represent his country at the commemoration in an apparent gesture of reconciliation.
As Vucic entered the cemetery to lay flowers, thousands booed and whistled. A group of women from Belgrade, Serbia, who for years have demanding Serbia to admit its role in the slaughter, yelled "responsibility!’’ and "genocide!’’ Someone threw a shoe at him, others threw water bottles and other objects. The crowd eventually chased Vucic away from the ceremony. A few people carried banners with his own wartime quote: "For every killed Serb, we will kill 100 Bosniaks.’’
在武契奇進入公墓放下花束時,數千人報以噓聲與口哨。來自塞國貝爾格勒、多年來要求該國承認其在該屠殺中所扮演角色的一群婦女,高喊「負責!」與「種族滅 絕」。有人對他投擲一隻鞋,其他人則丟出水瓶與其他東西。群眾最後將武契奇趕出這場活動。一些人則帶著引述他戰時所言的標語「每死一名塞爾維亞人,我們就 殺100名波士尼亞人。」
Tens of thousands came to mark the 20th anniversary of Europe’s worst massacre since the Holocaust -- the slaughter of 8,000 Muslims from the eastern Bosnian town of Srebrenica.
"I grieve that it took us so long to unify ... to stop this violence,’’ said former U.S. President Bill Clinton, who was in office at the time of the massacre and whose administration led the NATO airstrikes against Serb positions. This ended the Bosnian 1992-95 war. (AP)
boo:可作動詞與名詞,(發出)噓聲、(用於否定句)一點聲音。例句:She never said boo.(她一聲不吭。)
pelt(with):動詞,連續丟擲、猛烈攻擊。例句:They pelted her with ridicule and vilification.(他們以嘲笑與誹謗,對她發動猛烈攻擊。)
be in office:片語,執政、掌權。例句:The current government has been in office for three years.(目前的政府已執政3年。)
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=897943&day=2015-07-15