宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=965574&day=2016-03-07
◎ 蔡子岳
The avowed ideals of a free, open and tolerant Europe are under assault as never before, with a surge in police spot-checks and house raids ushering in what some are calling a new era of racial profiling.
In France, the home of liberté, égalité, fraternité, Muslims are especially alarmed, warning of a new climate of fear in the wake of the November attacks that killed 130 people in Paris. Suspicion is also deepening over foreign asylum seekers and terrorist threats in nations including Germany and Denmark, heightening police actions targeting minorities and racial profiling at nightclubs and public swimming pools.
在自由、平等與博愛的故鄉法國,穆斯林被特別提防,在巴黎去年11月發生恐怖攻擊事件導致130人喪生後,引起新一波恐懼情緒。對尋求庇護的外籍人士疑慮 也益發加深,包括德國、丹麥等國家籠罩在恐怖份子的陰影之下,讓警方在夜店、公共泳池等場所,針對少數族群的種族貌相行動更加升溫。
Under an ongoing state of emergency in France, for instance, police now have broad powers to detain suspects and conduct raids without court orders. So far, authorities have staged 3,200 raids and put almost 400 people under house arrest.
racial profiling:名詞,因對種族的刻板印象而出現的差別待遇。例句:The U.S. supreme court has held that racial profiling violates the constitutional requirement that all persons be accorded equal protection of the law.(美國最高法院判決,種族貌相違反憲法要求法律之前人人平等的規定。)
in the wake of:片語,因某事而…(表原因,前後有因果關係)。例句:Most economists agree that vigorous action was needed in the wake of the crisis in 2007-08.(經濟學者大多同意,為因應2007到2008年的金融危機,採取有力措施有其必要。)
stage:動詞,發動行動(公開的)。例句:Stoke-on-Trent city council will stage raid on reserves to balance the books.(史篤城市議會將發動查帳以平衡收支。)
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=965574&day=2016-03-07