Both US presidential hopeful Barack Obama and running mate Joseph Biden are descended from shoemakers who emigrated from Ireland within five weeks of each other, a researcher said.
US genealogist Megan Smolenyak said the two politicians’ ancestors set off for the United States in April and May 1849, joining up to 1.5 million other Irish who fled their island’s devastating 1845-49 potato famine.
Last year, Smolenyak traced Obama’s maternal Kearney family roots to County Offaly of Ireland.
Now she believes that Biden’s great-great-grandfather, Owen Finnegan, most likely emigrated from Carlingford in County Louth, which borders on Northern Ireland.
"In the case of both Biden and Obama’s family....what is even more peculiar is that both of the progenitors were shoemakers." Smolenyak told RTE public radio.
About 34 million Americans claim an Irish connection.
descended:為……的後裔,出身於……的。例句:She claims to be descended from Abraham Lincoln.她自稱是林肯的後裔。
cobbler: 鞋匠;(複數)蠢話。例句:I’ve never heard such a load of old cobblers in my life.我這輩子沒聽過這種蠢話。
set off (for):出發,啟程(for 目的地):例句:You’d better set off early to avoid the traffic.你最好早點出發以免塞車。