



A 27-year-old man told his wife he had been robbed to avoid revealing he actually had been tricked by a scam artist, police in Florida say.






Marion County sheriff’s deputies said while Mario Oscar Carlos initially told authorities he and his wife he had been robbed of $8,000 in cash, the man allegedly later confessed to making the story up to avoid embarrassment, the Ocala (Fla.) Star-Banner reported last week.






A police report alleged that after officers noticed inconsistencies in his robbery account, Carlos admitted he actually lost the money to a spiritual healer.






Carlos allegedly told police the healer told him to place the cash inside a sock so it could be blessed and then put it in the trunk of his car. He said when he checked on the money Friday, he found the cash-filled sock had been replaced by one filled with only $50, the report alleged.






The Star-Banner said for his marital and legal lie, police charged Carlos with filing a false police report.








be robbed of:片語,被搶劫、被剝奪。例句:I was robbed of my purse.(我的錢包被搶走了。)




to make something up: 片語,捏造、虛構。例句:The story was partly ture and partly made up.(這個故事的內容一部分是真實的,一部分是杜撰的。)




to confess:動詞,坦白、招認,宗教上有懺悔之意。例句:He confessed himself to be guilty.(他承認自己有罪。)




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