More than 400 scarves were hanging on a park fence earlier this month in downtown Manchester, waiting for people with chilly necks and shoulders to snatch them up for the winter season.
Within a day, the scarves were gone.
The hundreds of hand-knitted scarves are part of a project started two years ago by the Rev. Ruth Gallot, who was looking for a way to inspire parishioners in Auburn to do something more than write a check.
The first year, parishioners made 75 scarves to give out to people in the community who needed or wanted them.
"I want to see people being warm. If I can do that little thing, I’m glad to do it," said Christine Hrycuna, who knitted 50 scarves this year.
The reaction to the scarf project has been a mix of surprise and admiration, with many visitors finding it hard to believe they are getting a scarf for free.
knit:動詞,編織。例句:Over 200 blankets have already been knitted by kind readers.(善心讀者手織逾200條毯子。)
chilly:形容詞,冰冷的。例句:It grew chilly when the fire went out.(火熄滅後開始變冷。)
admire:動詞,讚賞,名詞為admiration。例句:We admired him all the more for his frankness.(他的率直讓我們更加讚賞。)