1. If / When … 過去簡單式 …, … 過去簡單式 …
2. … 過去簡單式 … if / when … 過去簡單式 …
- If my father went to a friend’s house for dinner, he usually took a bottle of wine or some flowers. But he doesn’t do that anymore. (如果我父親去朋友家共進晚餐,他通常會帶一瓶葡萄酒或一些花。但他現在不再這麼做了)
- When I had a day off from work, I often went swimming. Now, I never get time off. (當我休一天假時,我通常會去游泳。現在我都沒有休假)
- If the weather was nice, Mary often walked to work. Now, she usually drives. (如果天氣好的話,瑪麗經常走路去上班。現在她通常開車)
- Harry always helped me with my homework when he had time. But he doesn’t do that anymore. (當哈利有時間時,他都會從旁幫助我做家庭作業。但他現在不再這麼做了)
- A: Where did you stay if you went to Beijing? (如果你去北京,你都住哪裡?)
B: I usually stayed with my aunt. (我通常住我阿姨家)
Used to
Used to 是指過去習慣性和經常性的動作,但現在已經不做或不再發生,也可指過去存在的狀態或情況,但現在已不存在。這片語經常用於過去事實條件句來強調某事是過去的習慣。下面的例句與上面的例句意思並無不同。
- If my father went to a friend’s house for dinner, he used to take a bottle of wine or some flowers. But he doesn’t do that anymore.
- When I had a day off from work, I used to go swimming. Now, I never get time off.
- If the weather was nice, Mary used to walk to work. Now, she usually drives.
- Harry used to help me with my homework when he had time. But he doesn’t do that anymore.
- A: Where did you stay if you went to Beijing?
B: I used to stay with my aunt.
If / When
在過去事實條件句中,使用 if 或 when 都可以。若使用 if,則表示某事比較不常發生;若使用 when,則表示某事經常發生。
- When I had a day off from work, I usually went swimming.
- 表示我經常有假。 - If I had a day off from work, I usually went swimming.
- 表示我很少有假。