宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=948646&day=2016-01-13
A mountain lion killed in the US state of Idaho had a set of fully formed teeth growing out of its forehead, wildlife officials say. The lion was legally shot dead by a hunter on 30 December.
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game says the teeth could be the remnants of a conjoined twin which died in the womb, or possibly a kind of tumour. Biologists in the region have never seen anything like this particular deformity before, it says.
The lion was hunted after it attacked a dog near the town of Weston, Idaho. The dog survived, but a hunter set off in pursuit and killed the big cat a few hours later.
A conservation officer checked the lion’s body, as required by law, and found the set of teeth, as well as what appeared to be a set of whiskers on the left side of the animal’s forehead.
Mountain lions, a native species of big cat, are relatively common in Idaho. They are elusive animals which seldom come into contact with humans. They are territorial and require large swathes of wilderness to thrive.
In winter, their prey species, such as deer and turkeys, move down from the mountains to escape colder temperatures, often gathering at the edges of villages or towns. This can put mountain lions into conflict with people, livestock and pets.
set off:片語,啟程、動身、開始。例句:I will set off for home on Friday in order to vote in the presidential election. (我週五將動身回家,參與總統選舉投票。)
in pursuit(of):片語,追捕、追求。例句:The dog ran in pursuit of rabbit.(狗追兔子。)
elusive:形容詞,排外的、全部的、唯一的。例句:This is an exclusive black residential area.(這是純黑人的住宅區。)
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=948646&day=2016-01-13