目前分類:未分類文章 (3369)
- Feb 20 Thu 2014 18:00
- Feb 20 Thu 2014 17:58
- Feb 20 Thu 2014 17:57
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 18:12
Berlin film fest wraps up with big wins for Asian cinema II
The second of three Chinese films in competition in Berlin, Blind Massage (推拿) featuring a cast made up in part of amateur blind actors, captured a Silver Bear prize for outstanding artistic contribution for cinematographer Zeng Jian (曾劍).
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 18:11
Berlin film fest wraps up with big wins for Asian cinema I
The 64th Berlin film festival wrapped up Sunday after a resounding triumph for Asian cinema at its gala awards ceremony, including the Golden Bear top prize for a Chinese noir mystery.
Bai Ri Yan Huo (白日焰火, Black Coal, Thin Ice), by Diao Yinan (刁亦男) about a washed-up ex-cop investigating a series of grisly murders took the highest honor late Saturday, as well as the Silver Bear best actor award for its star Liao Fan (廖凡).
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 18:09
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 18:02
Kissing the key to finding Mr. Darcy
Kissing helps us assess potential partners if, like a Jane Austen heroine, we cannot wait forever for Mr. Darcy to come along, a study suggests.
Scientists believe kissing helps people judge the quality of a potential mate through taste, smell and fitness.
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 18:01
蘆洲廟口商圈 拚觀光市集 下
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 18:00
蘆洲廟口商圈 拚觀光市集 上
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 17:58
Local religious imagery to play major role in Lujhou commercial district tourism II
Huang says that the project, which includes collaborating with local companies to develop shenjiang creative products and souvenirs, is expected to commence next month. Special areas will also be set up to display and sell agricultural products from New Taipei City, which will provide job opportunities to disadvantaged people who will serve as vendors, Huang says. Between 80 and 100 temple lanterns will be hung outside of local shops to give the commercial district a more historic atmosphere, Huang says, adding that the market area around Japan’s Senso-ji will serve as their primary object of study in trying to attract more tourists.
The bureau says that the “Lujhou District shenjiang cultural industries development project” is a three-year project that aims to combine shenjiang imagery with local life, consolidate local industries, help businesses combine their networking resources and reach consensus on various issues. In the process, strengthening local industries and stimulating consumer spending should help the commercial district become a veritable tourist market, the bureau says.
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 17:57
Local religious imagery to play major role in Lujhou commercial district tourism I
Yonglian, Baohe and Dazhong temples are all located in the vicinity of the area officially known as “Lujhou temple entry commercial community” in New Taipei City’s Lujhou District, which at night transforms into a bustling night market. The nominal commercial district, however, lacks the unique characteristics that would typically draw in tourists. The New Taipei City Government will be guiding local industries this year in using Lujhou’s shenjiang (heavenly generals) culture to develop creative products, hopefully putting the area on par with the market area surrounding Senso-ji — a temple in Japan dedicated to Kannon (Avalokitesvara) — and turning the commercial district into a New Taipei City landmark.
New Taipei City Economic Development Department Deputy Director-General Huang Cheng-cheng says that the Lujhou commercial district near the temples is concentrated at the intersection of Chenggong Rd and Desheng St and neighbors Sanmin Senior High School MRT Station, giving the area strong development potential. Last year the local government assisted the Lujhou District Commercial District Prosperity Association in applying for local industry development funding from the Ministry of Economic Affairs. An educational program will be set up to help innovate traditional industries by infusing them with shenjiang imagery, introducing creative and design concepts, and offering classes on related subjects.
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 08:58
Comics 127
「你這時候最好放鬆一點!記住,聖誕老人不會拜訪愛糾結的男生跟女生。」(譯註:本漫畫影射聖誕老人不會送禮物給不乖的小孩,而 knotty「糾結的」的讀音和 naughty 「不乖的」相同。)
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 08:53
Comics 126
觀賞流星的最佳地點 茂納基亞山天文台 猶他州布萊斯峽谷 澳洲艾爾斯岩 「泰德,那又是入侵者嗎?」禁止進入 納金特家大宅院(譯註:夏威夷的茂納基亞山天文台以太空觀測而聞名全球;美國猶他州的布萊斯谷地和澳洲的艾爾斯岩是全球絕佳的觀星地點;Ted Nugent 則是熱愛打獵的美國搖滾明星,因此 shooting star 在此從本意「流星」被曲解成「開槍射擊的明星」。)
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 08:50
Comics 125
流動廁所 鬼靈精的小膀胱那天漲大了三倍(譯註:The Grinch 鬼靈精是著名兒童文學作家蘇斯博士筆下的角色。而本漫畫影射鬼靈精在故事最後學會要愛聖誕節之後,他的心臟變大了三倍。)
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 08:44
Comics 124
對鄉村音樂人士保持尊重態度 以克里斯蓋恩斯的化名錄製唱片(譯註:本漫畫影射美國知名鄉村歌手 Garth Brooks 化名 Chris Gaines 發行搖滾樂專輯,結果這張專輯發行後引起鄉村音樂界負面反應的事。)
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 08:42
Comics 123
「變暗了??妳要知道,我可是在學術能力測驗裡拿了一萬分耶!」五瓦特 七十瓦特(譯註:在本漫畫中,dim 是「燈光或光線暗淡的」和「頭腦遲鈍的」一語雙關。)
- Feb 18 Tue 2014 18:19
Comics 122
「我就告訴你,吃太多通心粉沙拉會回頭讓你困擾的。」聖誕節義大利麵之鬼靈(譯註:動詞 to haunt 有「造成某人困擾」與「鬧鬼」雙重意涵。而本漫畫影射 英國文豪 Charles Dickens 短篇名著《A Christmas Carol(小氣財神)》中三個聖誕精靈之一的 The Ghost of Christmas Past。)
- Feb 18 Tue 2014 18:17
Comics 121
「噢,哈洛德,我太年輕了,還不能懷孕!我們要怎麼辦?」「呃,小甜心,想想別的。」高速公路認養計畫之始(譯註:在美國,人們會「認養」一段公路,然後負責把這段路清理乾淨,不過 to adopt 在此被當成「領養(小孩)」來解釋。)
- Feb 18 Tue 2014 18:16
Comics 120
- Feb 18 Tue 2014 18:14
Comics 119
「寶貝,熄燈前最好先去上廁所喔,我們不希望你又尿床了。」(譯註:lights out 有「熄燈」與「上床睡覺時間」兩種意思。而 to sprinkle 本指「下毛毛雨」的意思,但在此卻是暗示小雲朵睡覺時可能會尿床。)