Bizarre American festival lets visitors eat, drink, floss with bacon
Bacon milkshakes. Chocolate-covered bacon shaped like roses. Bacon-flavored toothpaste, dental floss and lip balm. Bacon ice cream sundaes. A sandwich with a full pound of bacon. They were all on the menu recently as one U.S. casino stretched the bounds of good taste and cardiovascular health with Bacon Week. The festival at the Tropicana Casino and Resort in Atlantic City gave new meaning to the term "pigging out."
The idea of a bacon festival is not as far-fetched as it might sound. Americans eat about 1.5 billion pounds (0.68 billion kilograms) of bacon a year, according to the U.S. National Pork Board. And the website counted nearly 30 bacon festivals around the U.S. from late April through December 2013, many of whose tickets sold out in minutes. "Bacon is like heaven," said Nadina Fornia. "If you're going to die, die with bacon on your lips and a BLT in each hand." Fornia was drawn to the casino festival by the promise of bacon in far-out forms, including milkshakes and beer (not in the same glass, thankfully.)
The festival also featured chocolate covered pretzels with crumbled bacon bits, chocolate-drizzled potato chips with bacon, two kinds of pasta dishes with bacon, bacon cupcakes, and bacon wrapped around a fake green stem to form roses, which were then dipped in chocolate. "The first taste is chocolaty, then it's all bacon," said Melissa Ehrke. "I was a little surprised I liked it, 'cause I was afraid to try it. It's that whole sweet and salty thing."
While bacon-flavored grooming items are sold at festivals around the U.S., they encountered some skepticism at the Tropicana. "There are people that are just crazy for bacon," said Denise McGrath. "But bacon toothpaste or floss? I'm not that crazy."
But James Sanders, of New York City, was in heaven trying as many free samples of bacon-flavored items as he could get his hands on. "I love me some bacon!" he exclaimed between bites of ... something. "I don't even know what this is, but it's got bacon in it. And it's good!" Sanders said eating bacon is a multilayered experience. "You keep chewing it and chewing it, and the flavor comes out the more you chew on it," he said. "And then you get to the fat and that floods into your mouth. I just love it."