A fifth-grader named Chen Ching-yi at Dajhu Elementary School in Taoyuan County’s Dajhu Township has a passion for painting. Even though he has brain cancer and malignant cells pressing on his optic nerve have made him almost completely blind, Chen is still optimistic about beating his illness. An exhibition of his paintings was held at the school’s library last Wednesday, during which a dozen paintings were sold in a charity auction to help other children with cancer. Chen was also awarded a scholarship of NT$20,000 and given a certificate of recognition by the Chou Ta-Kuan Cultural and Educational Foundation for fighting cancer and realizing his dreams. Taoyuan County Commissioner John Wu was also there singing the child’s praises and wishing him all the best.
Chen was first diagnosed during his second semester as a fourth grader. He has undergone chemotherapy nine times and had two brain operations. Chen has been unable to attend school while receiving treatment. Last Wednesday his classmates read aloud their well-wishes for him. Tears started streaming from his eyes half way through. People in the audience were also moved to tears. Chen says he hopes he can get better soon because he wants to be back at school with classmates and teachers.
Foundation founder Chou Chin-hua says that being moved by Chen’s extraordinary perseverance and optimism in fighting his cancer is why the foundation awarded him the NT$20,000 scholarship for fighting cancer and realizing his dreams, gave him a certificate of recognition and helped him hold the auction and exhibition for his paintings at the school library. All of the money from the event will be used to help other sick children, Chou says. The Lujhu Township Office and Taoyuan County Councilor Hsu Ching-shun donated NT$30,000 and NT$20,000 respectively.