目前分類:未分類文章 (3381)
- May 10 Wed 2017 08:00
名魔生死鬥 (The Incredible Burt Wonderstone), 2013
- May 09 Tue 2017 08:00
史密斯任務 (Mr. & Mrs. Smith), 2005
Relationships can never last until you fall in love with who the other person really is.
- May 08 Mon 2017 08:00
鋼鐵擂台 (Real Steel), 2011
All those who fight to the end have a reason that makes quitting impossible.
- May 07 Sun 2017 08:00
我的野蠻女友 (My Sassy Girl), 2001
- May 06 Sat 2017 08:00
曼哈頓戀習曲 (Begin Again), 2013
Be more decisive in life; hold on if you don’t want to let go, keep walking when you’ve said goodbye.
- May 05 Fri 2017 08:00
翻滾吧!阿信 (Jump Ashin!), 2011
What values more than the moment your dream is realized, is the process which you held on to realize it.
- May 04 Thu 2017 08:00
命運好好玩 (Click), 2006
- May 03 Wed 2017 08:00
勇敢傳說 (Brave), 2012
The true value of communication is its ability to let you understand each other with out having to argue.
- May 02 Tue 2017 08:00
鐘點戰 (In Time), 2011
- May 01 Mon 2017 22:29
與森林共舞 (The Jungle Book), 2016
Growing up is about letting go of the familiar and walking into the unknown.
- Apr 28 Fri 2017 16:05
《中英對照讀新聞》Pope Francis: It is better to be an atheist than hypocritical Catholic 教宗方濟各:當無神論者 好過當虛偽的天主教徒
Pope Francis has said it is better to be an atheist than a catholic who leads a hypocritical double life. It is a scandal to say one thing and do another, he said.
- Apr 27 Thu 2017 16:04
《中英對照讀新聞》Santa Claus is back on Facebook after proving his identity 耶誕老人在證明身分後重返臉書
Santa Claus’ Facebook account has been reinstated after the social media company suspended his access and demanded proof of identity on Christmas Day.
- Apr 26 Wed 2017 16:03
《中英對照讀新聞》Toxic chemicals banned in dishwashing liquids 洗碗精禁用有毒化學品
The use of toxic chemicals will be banned in dishwashing liquids, reflecting the public’s growing safety concerns, health authorities said Thursday.
- Apr 25 Tue 2017 16:01
《中英對照讀新聞》Wrong music? Russian biathletes sing correct anthem alone 音樂錯誤?俄羅斯滑雪射擊員自己唱正確的國歌
Russian biathletes decided to sing their national anthem without any instrumental accompaniment after organizers played an outdated version in an embarrassing medal ceremony at the biathlon world championships.
- Apr 24 Mon 2017 16:03
《中英對照讀新聞》’Facebook generation’ lonelier than elderly 「臉書世代」比老年人更寂寞
Younger people are lonelier than older people because most of their friends are made online. They have many more online friends - which doesn’t stop them feeling lonely, research has found.
- Apr 21 Fri 2017 16:00
《中英對照讀新聞》All French citizens are now organ donors unless they opt out 法國人如今全是器官捐贈者 除非自行退出
- Apr 20 Thu 2017 16:52
《中英對照讀新聞》Climate change forces fashion students to study the weather 氣候變遷迫使時尚領域學生研究氣象
Unpredictable weather patterns - frosty springs, mild winters and wet summers - are posing a new challenge for fashion designers.
- Apr 19 Wed 2017 15:59
中英對照讀新聞》Gov’t pushes hydrogen fuel cell cars/政府推動氫燃料電池車
- Apr 18 Tue 2017 15:58
《中英對照讀新聞》Company offers employees ’unsick’ days so they can visit the doctor-公司提供「無病」假讓員工看醫生
- Apr 17 Mon 2017 15:55
《中英對照讀新聞》Millions of Asians Paid Bribes for Public Services-數百萬亞洲人賄賂公家機關