Tom: "Jane, I don’t feel like going to work today!" ( Jane,我今天不想去工作!)
Jane: "Why not, you will be fired if you don’t go to work"(為什麼不去,如果你不去工作你就等著被炒魷魚。)
Tom: "My Manager is a pain, he criticizes everything I do, even when I do well he tries to find fault." (我的經理是個令人厭煩的人,他挑剔我所做的每一件事,甚至是當我做得很好的時候,他也會一直挑毛病。)
Jane: "He sounds like a bully, why don’t you try stand up to him?"(聽上去他是個橫行霸道的人,你為什麼不嘗試對抗他呢?)
Tom: "What, do you want to get me fired?"(什麼,你想讓我被炒魷魚嗎?)
Jane: "Not at all, as an employee you have rights; no one is allowed to bully you."(一點都沒關係,身為員工,你是有權利,沒有人可以欺淩你。)
Tom: "What do you suggest I do? He fires people who disagree with him"(你覺得我可以怎麼做?他解雇了所有和他想法不一致的人。)
Jane: "Report him to the boss; No one is above the law."(報告給大老闆;沒有人可以淩駕於法律之上。)
Tom; "Thank you so much Jane, you have been of great help, I’m going to stand up for myself!"( 太感謝你了,Jane,你讓我更有勇氣維護我自己的權益!)