宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=927719&day=2015-10-29
Forcing staff to start work before 10am is tantamount to torture and is making employees ill, exhausted and stressed, an Oxford University academic has claimed.
Before the age of 55, the circadian rhythms of adults are completely out of sync with normal 9-to-5 working hours, which poses a "serious threat" to performance, mood and mental health.
Dr Paul Kelley, of Oxford University, said there was a need for a huge societal change to move work and school starting times to fit with the natural body clock of humans.
Experiments studying circadian rhythms have shown that the average 10-year-old will not start focussing properly for academic work before 8.30am. Similarly, a 16-year-old should start at 10am for best results and university students should start at 11am.
torture:名詞,折磨。例句:The rush-hour traffic was sheer torture as usual.(交通尖峰和往常一樣令人煎熬。)
tantamount:形容詞,相當於。例句:Her refusal to answer was tantamount to an admission of guilt.(她拒絕回答等於是認罪。)
out of sync:片語,不同步。相反詞為 in sync,同步。例句:He’s putting himself forward as a president whose ideas are in sync with a nation demanding change.(他要向人們證明,自己是個思想能夠順應國家變革的總統。)
宏浩翻譯 引用自http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=927719&day=2015-10-29