A debate is raging in the film world about the merits of shooting movies on 35mm film versus digital cameras. In one corner are those who believe digital’s practical and economic benefits make it impossible to resist. In the other, "purists" such as directors Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan who cherish the visual "texture" of 35mm and warn that something important is being lost.
Alain Roulleau, whose family has run Paris’s oldest cinema since 1948, however, dismisses all this as "nostalgia" -- and points out that most studios have already stopped supplying films in 35mm.
Roulleau has made sure this small independent cinema is bang up to date. He took the decision to install digital projection equipment four years ago and admits he "almost cried" when he saw the quality of the first digital images, which he described as "very icy, too perfect, with no atmosphere". Fortunately, he says, since then the quality has seen constant improvements and in the past year he has shown only two films in 35mm.
Others stress that even movies shot in 35mm are now quickly converted to digital for distribution and that the real clincher is the impact on the studios’ bottom line. Printing just one film on 35mm film and delivering it to the cinema where it will be shown can cost $1,500 alone -- compared to $150 for digital. With a copy needed for each of several thousand cinemas, it is easy to see why digital seems to have won the day.
其他人則強調,就算是用35釐米底片拍攝的電影,現在也很快就會轉為數位版本發行,真正的關鍵在於對電影公司盈虧所造成的衝擊。光印製一部35釐米影片、 再送到戲院的成本就高達1500美元,數位版影片卻只要150美元。在數千家戲院都各自需要一份影片拷貝的情況下,不難理解為何數位影片會獲勝。
celluloid:名詞,指用來拍攝電影的膠片,也常用來泛指電影。例句︰Having made the leap from theatre to celluloid, she can now make more money.(成功自劇場跨足電影後,她現在可以賺進更多錢。)
bang:副詞,指直接地、準確地。例句︰The arrow hit bang on the target.(這枝箭正中紅心。)
clincher:名詞,非正式用語,指決定性的論點或關鍵。例句︰The expense was the clincher that persuaded us to give up the enterprise.(開銷是說服我們放棄這項計畫的關鍵。)
宏浩翻譯引用 http://iservice.ltn.com.tw/Service/english/english.php?engno=803270&day=2014-08-10