
China’s government procurement agency has removed Symantec and Kaspersky from its list of security software suppliers, ensuring that the state can only buy antivirus programmes from Chinese providers.


Kaspersky says “There is no evidence” that its products have been “banned” by the Chinese government.


"The Chinese Central Government Procurement Center temporarily rescinded its endorsements of all foreign security providers, leaving only Chinese vendors on the approved list."the company elaborated in a statement." However, this restriction only applies to federal institutions whose funding comes from the central government procurement budget, and does not include regional governments or large enterprises. "


While the motive is seemingly to reduce the state government’s reliance on foreign suppliers, the removal comes after a notice from the public security ministry in June warning that Symantec’s data loss prevention software was insecure, and that branches nationwide should stop using the software.


In May, China banned the use of Windows 8, in the wake of Microsoft ending support for the widely used Windows XP operating system. Last month (JULY), the state extended its censure of Microsoft, investigating the company for its "monopoly" of the country’s operating systems.

5月,當微軟周知不再支援Windows XP作業系統後,中國便禁用Windows 8。上個月(7月),中國進一步指責微軟,調查其在全國作業系統的「壟斷」。


procurement:名詞,採購、獲取。例句:Government announces a new plan for food procurement.(政府宣布一項糧食採購新計畫。)

rescind:動詞,廢止、撤銷。例句:Tony recinded our agreement.(東尼廢止我們的協議。)

in the wake of:片語,尾隨...而至。例句:Tragedy came in the wake of earthquake.(慘劇尾隨地震而來。)




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