Stray canines roaming the Indian capital may soon find themselves attending police training school with civic authorities planning to turn the animals into security dogs, reports said.
New Delhi residents have long informally adopted some strays as watchdogs and fed them, but this marks the first formal plan to turn them into municipal security dogs.
Delhi authorities said they would enlist police animal trainers to work with the strays and press the canines into service as guard dogs alongside a newly formed "May I Help You?" city security force which aims to assist the public and bolster safety.
While some stray dogs are friendly and docile, others are more menacing and there is a high incidence of dog bites in India. "This initiative is meant to address two issues:take the strays off the streets, thereby tackling the dog menace, and make the city safer for residents," the civic body’s chairman Jalaj Shrivastava said.
There are no recent figures on the number of dogs in Delhi but a 2009 city survey put them at more than 260,000. The reports did not say how many dogs would be used in the security scheme. Dogs will be fed and vaccinated under the plan.
A 2001 law forbids killing the roaming dogs and the stray population has soared. Cities across India already run sterilisation and vaccination programmes but an estimated 20,000 people die each year from rabies infections in India, over a third of the global total.(AFP)
press sth. /sb. into service:強迫…服務、臨時徵用。例句:The police officer pressed two passers-by into service to warn off traffic.(警察臨時徵用兩名路人,協助通知車輛讓道。)
be meant to:意在、旨在。例句:The black ribbon is meant to mourn for the plane crash victims.(黑絲帶旨在追悼空難亡者。)
docile:易控制的、馴服的。例句:The dog is very docile.(這隻狗狗很聽話。)