
A teacher from the Republic of Ireland has been turned down for a job in South Korea due to the "alcoholism nature" of Irish people.


Katie Mulrennan, from County Kerry, had applied for a teaching job in Seoul. She was told by an agency that their client did not hire Irish people due to their perceived drinking habits.


The 26-year-old told the BBC that she could not believe the email was real at first. "Usually when you apply for a job and they don’t want you, they don’t send a reply," she said. "Or they tell you they would prefer someone from North America, because some schools prefer the accent."


"But this reply was a first. When I got the email, it was so abrupt and short. I actually laughed when I read it initially. But then I wanted to write back a really angry response."


"In the end I took a deep breath and sent back a reply, that was a little bit sarcastic as I couldn’t believe the email I had received. But I haven’t heard anything back since."



nature:名詞,天性。例句:He is by nature inclined to be rather lazy.(他天生就懶。)

turn down:片語,拒絕。例句:He turned down the job because it involved too much travelling.(他拒絕這份工作,因為出差太頻繁。)

sarcastic:形容詞,諷刺、挖苦。例句:Are you being sarcastic?(你這是在挖苦嗎?)



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